Hello everyone, and welcome to my website! I'm Angela G. Williams, a South African-born writer with a lifelong passion for spinning tales. For years, stories have danced in my head, and one day, I realised if I wanted to read them, I needed to write them. And so, my writing journey began.
I'm drawn to the captivating blend of historical fiction, gothic fantasy, and the supernatural. I love exploring the mysteries of the past, weaving in elements of magic and the unknown, and crafting stories that hopefully resonate with readers. My writing often has a strong historical grounding – accuracy is important to me – but it’s the blend of genres that really excites me. I’m not entirely sure why these genres call to me, but they do.
J.R.R. Tolkien, a fellow South African native, has been a huge influence. His ability to build such a vast and intricate world, with its own history, lore, races, and languages, is simply astounding. He’s a constant source of inspiration.
Currently, I'm hard at work on my first novel, a historical fiction murder mystery with a supernatural twist. I'm aiming for a release this year, so stay tuned for updates. My writing process usually involves outlining the story in advance. I like to know where I'm going before I start writing.
This website will be a hub for all things related to my books. When they’re ready, you’ll be able to buy them here. I also plan to blog about my writing journey, share insights into my research, and offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into my creative process. But it won't just be about me. I'm passionate about supporting other indie authors, so I'll regularly feature their work on my blog as well. I’m hoping to build a community of readers and writers who share my love for these genres.
Beyond writing, I have a variety of interests. I've been fascinated by genealogy for over 20 years, tracing family histories and uncovering hidden connections to the past. I'm also a gamer (mostly World of Warcraft), a photography enthusiast (I used to be a wildlife photographer and game ranger in South Africa), and an avid collector of antiques, autographs, fairies, and anything related to owls or snow leopards. Oh, and I have four (or five, depending on how you count cover-ups) tattoos.
Kindness is something I value above all else. And like many people, I have my favourite things: TV shows like Supernatural, Castle, Psych, Bones, Law & Order, Doctor Who, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine; a wide range of music (mostly hard rock, alternative rock, metal, punk rock, and emo); most food; and my favourite place in the world, Kruger National Park.
I'm so excited to connect with you all here. Let me know in the comments what you're most looking forward to reading about on this blog, and please feel free to introduce yourself.
Welcome to my world.